
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Underhill Tree of Life Quilt Story Continues

From a letter from Jill Meszaros dated June 12, 2012:

Yesterday, the Underhill Tree of Life quilt had one more piece of its story written. 

As you know, I created my Underhill Wholecloth Quilt to honor my Underhill ancestors.  I wanted to update you on my Underhill family. 

My grandfather, Donald Underhill, at the age of 99 and 10 months, died yesterday at 12:35 pm.  His only living sibling, Aunt Mary Lou, age 86 and 10 months died yesterday at 8:20 am. 

They were both very proud of their family heritage and it was in his books that I found a great deal of the family history I used in my quilt's story.  He loved history, especially his family’s. 

My quilt was really for him more than anyone else.  This is not a sad story....99 years is something to celebrate - especially since he died peacefully, at home with family, simply from old age. 

Major David Underhill would have been my grandfather's (Donald Underhill) Great-Great-Grandfather.  Aunt Mary Lou was still living on a piece of David's original homestead.  She will rest in Norwalk, Ohio with many other Underhills that came before her.

I just wanted to share this piece of my quilts continuing story with you.

                   Jill Meszaros

You can see this incredible quilt up close when you view the Seaway Trail War of 1812 Traveling Exhibit which is on the road for the next two years.

Not Much Actually Happened DURING 1812

If you put the name of the War of 1812 aside, not much actually happened during 1812.

1 - Most of the fighting took place in 1813.

2 - The peace treaty was ratified in 1814.

3 - The deciding battle was fought in 1815.

So, be prepared to stretch this War of 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration out for a while. 

That means you still have lots of time to borrow the Seaway Trail War of 1812 traveling quilt exhibit if you have a suitable venue that would be interested in the display.

Last weekend the exhibit was hung in the Anglican Christ Church - on site at Upper Canada Village.  The exhibit has now traveled to Fort Wellington in Prescott where it will be on display June 29 thru July 1. 

Send me an email if your interested in borrowing it and we will look at the travel schedule.