
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ladies Workshops for War of 1812 Domestic Arts

Please join me at a day of introductory workshops to War- of-1812-era domestic arts at Ogdensburg’s Dobisky Center Saturday, November 3, starting at 9:00 a.m. Enjoy workshops on chatelaine and bonnet making, a demonstration of English country-dance and readings from letters and diaries written by the women of the day.
“We have a full day of activities for the modest cost of $50 to cover lunch, basic materials and honoraria for our experienced workshop leaders,” said Barbara O’Keefe, President of the Fort La Présentation Association.  “Our presenters are Lynette Lundy-Beck from Sackets Harbor, NY and Mardi MacFarlane from Prescott, ON, and George Cherepon from Star Lake, NY, is the dance instructor.”
 A chatelaine suspended from the neck or a belt held the tools, such as keys and scissors, a woman may require. Participants should bring items for the chatelaine they will make and take home.

This is the style of Chatelaine you will be making in my workshop.  The brass thread cutter and beeswax amulet on the right side of the photo will be provided along with the chatelaine construction ribbon.  Feel free to bring any special sewing tools you may want to add to your chatelaine along with antique buttons or sentimental bits and pieces to make it unique.  

Participants will cut, paste and sew simple straw hats, supplied by the workshop, into bonnets. They should bring one-and-a-half-yards of fabric, as well as dried-flowers, ribbons, and small decorations to individualize their bonnets, which they will keep.
The St. Lawrence Valley English Country-Dance Club will demonstrate and lead participants in period dances. These dances were popular throughout the war and are mentioned in Jane Austen novels and other personal accounts.
Ladies wishing to build on their dance experience are invited to return to the Dobisky Center at 7:00 p.m. for an English country-dance that will include lessons,” said Mrs. O’Keefe. “Dress is casual, and no partner is necessary. However, a number of experienced dancers will attend in period clothing.”  Soft-soled shoes are encouraged. Admission is $5.00
Women’s History Day has been planned the Ogdensburg Organizing Committee for the Bicentennial of the War of 1812 whose members are drawn from Forsyth’s Rifles, the Fort La Présentation Association, the Ogdensburg Library and the City of Ogdensburg.
The public is invited to register soon since space is limited.   Registration forms and further information is available at or 315-848-7736. 

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